Topmodell leszek /America's next top model/ with Tyra Banks

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/:/Interjk a kieskkel/:/

/:/Interjk a kieskkel/:/ : Sarval!


  2005.03.19. 16:34


SpyRI writes, "Sarah from Baltimore was the second contestant eliminated from UPN’s hit show, America’s Next Top Model. Sarah’s bad walk led to her being in the botom two, but even then, she thought that sexy Brittany would be eliminated. She was wrong about that, and she shares her thoughts on the show, it’s editing, and on the viewers.

Hi Sarah! Thank you for taking the time to talk with me today. I just want you to know that a lot of people were rooting for you and were surprised at your elimination.Yeah me too.Did you expect that it would be Brittany that would be eliminated or were you thinking it would be someone else entirely?

Oh I don’t know, basically all the girls have to do is sit around and speculate endlessly because there’s nothing else to do. So it changes a lot, I mean, I thought that Brandi might go because none of us felt like she’d made that big an improvement in attitude, but then after the photo shoots when we saw Brittany’s horrible picture then I thought ok, it’ll be Brittany. Even though I thought I may be in the final two, I really thought Brittany was going to go, I really really did.

I had a crappy walk, but whatever, we all did, none of us are good, we all needed improvement.From prior seasons, the audience knows that the ‘walk’ is so important, and apparently hard, but how is it different from regular walking? What tips do you get when you learn to do that?

That’s my biggest issue right now, I don’t think I got one single tip from Jay and I feel like that really crushed me. All he told me was that I suck and I knew that already. He didn’t give me any advice at all whatever. Not one thing that I could take home and practice. Yeah, I practiced with Keenyah. I practiced my bad walk!How about your makeover? When Tyra was telling people what her plans for you all were and she told you "Peter Pan," you grinned, but we know that that’s the right thing to do in the competition, not necessarily your real reaction.

Well, I knew they were going to cut my hair, I just knew that. Everybody thought they would and I thought they would too. I guess I look good with short hair. I had short hair growing up my whole life, so I’m used to it. I’ll just let it grow long again. People say I look good with short hair but when I see myself on television, I think it makes me look bad, it makes my neck and my shoulders I don’t know. It was so short, it’s not that it makes me look bad, I don’t think I looked bad I don’t know.Some people online thought that they were doing a Linda Evangelista look-

Yeah, that was a thing, really, it wasn’t on tv but Jay said that, called me Linda. I guess that’s what they were going for but I’m not Linda, I’m Sarah.For your topless shot with jeans, was that awkward for you or were you expecting a nude shot early in the show?

Oh no I feel comfortable about my body.Now that you’re watching the show, how do you feel about how you were represented?

They made me look the way they wanted to. They did a really good job of making me look like an idiot.After Brita was eliminated, she said that she regretted the entire experience. Do you feel that way?

No, not at all. Honestly, I feel like I’ve gained everything from this experience. Other than having like 5 million fat girls sitting at home online in chat rooms or whatever talking sh*t about me you know what I mean? Those girls? I mean, honestly. I feel like I’ve gained a lot, not only in recognition and publicity but also in experience, the experience was amazing. I feel like I really learned a lot about the modeling world and what it takes.Are you going to keep working at a modeling career?

Oh absolutely. This isn’t the end for me, this is only a beginning. Fantastic.Well, I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to talk with me this morning, and wish you luck. Have a great day.

Thanks.TVRules would like to thank Sarah and UPN for granting this interview.

"People Got To Learn Nothing About Me" -- An Interview with America's Next Top Model 4's Sarah

by Phil Kural -- 03/18/2005

Sarah was the second girl eliminated this season on America's Next Top Model. What did she think of the experience? How many people cared when Michelle "came out?" Why was Sarah eliminated? Phil Kural tackles all these questions right here!

Like I said last week, I love interviewing the first few girls eliminated, since they don't mind dishing the dirt. Just like Brita, Sarah had some gripes, and in my mind, they were pretty justified. Find out right now why she applied, what she thought of her walk, and what's in her future.

RealityNewsOnline: Why did you originally audition for the show? Did you send in a tape or attend an open casting call?

Sarah: I had went to an open call in NYC. It had always been a dream of mine to be a model, so I figured 'what the heck,' and here I am!

RNO: What do you think you had that made you stand out from the rest of the girls?

Sarah: It was a mix of look and personality. I think the judges like my natural look, and I wasn't shy about who I was. I think they figured I would be good for reality TV.

RNO: Michelle had said that she was scared to tell the girls she was gay for fear of people judging her. Did anyone seem to have a problem with it?

Sarah: No, nobody had a problem with it. I mean, in today's society, it's not a shock if someone is gay like it was years ago. When we first heard that she had this "big secret," some of us thought she was going to say she used to be a man. Now THAT would have been entertaining! But no, it was no big deal at all.

RNO: When you were eliminated, you had said that you had more talent than some of the other girls, Brittany in particular. From what we were shown, though, you do realize that your walk was one of the worst, right?

Sarah: Basically, the two-second phrase that I said was taken out of context. First, I said I had more natural talent than some of the other girls. I mean, seriously, all the girls' walks sucked. We had to walk about 25 times before the judges, and you only got to see one time. I think that all the girls had potential to be great models, but I feel that stripped down, and without all the makeup, I was one of the most natural beauties there.

RNO: Did you have any kind of modeling experience before you were on the show?

Sarah: I had done some little things in the past. I had modeled in Stuff magazine and did a few catalogs and minor runway shows. Nothing all that extravagant though.

RNO: How long after Rebecca collapsed did it take for the panel to continue with judging? Was Noelle the only one that knew of Rebecca's condition prior to the incident?

Sarah: It took about four hours for everything to start up again. I mean, you have to realize that the girl went to the hospital and came home! The only girls I think that knew about her condition were Noelle, Lluvy, Kahlen, and myself. Us five girls were pretty close.

RNO: In retrospect, is there anything you could have done to stay around longer?

Sarah: You know, I think I did okay! Yes, I know that on TV I might have looked a little bad, but once again, you don't get to see everything. The one thing I will say, and this is advice to girls that apply in the future, is be yourself. Know who you are and exude confidence. If you have any bit of doubt in you, the judges will see it and eat you alive.

RNO: Most of the girls I have interviewed from seasons past have said they knew when they were going to be eliminated. Did you know it was going to be you, or were you blindsided?

Sarah: Oh, I knew it was me going home. Before the judging began, I didn't think it was going to be me, but when they were doing their evaluations, they had nothing nice to say to me, so I knew it was going to be me going home. You have to prepare yourself so that you don't turn into a mess when you are eliminated.


RNO: Do you think it was fair that Rebecca got to pick five girls to share in her reward, when some of those that had the best walks weren't rewarded?

Sarah:It was absolutely fair. It's a reality TV show, and they are all about the drama. Progress should be rewarded, I agree, but Rebecca could have chosen any five girls, so I didn't feel bad.

RNO: Knowing what you do now, when it comes to modeling and the industry, do you still have a desire to be involved with it?

Sarah: Absolutely. I moved to NYC from Baltimore a few years ago in order to follow my dream, so my goal is to use the show as a stepping stone into a modeling career.

RNO: What was the reason the judges gave you for your elimination? On TV, it was very unclear as to why you were being let go.

Sarah: They told me it was a confidence issue. I mean, I had a bad walk, that was pretty apparent, but we were getting no feedback. I doubt that Tyra Banks was born onto a runway. She had to practice, and she got feedback. When it came to telling us what was wrong, they had no problem doing it. However, there was no advice on how to get better!

RNO: Was it a shock to you that Brita was the first girl eliminated, especially since Brandy was so hard to work with on the first shoot?

Sarah:Oh, I was shocked! As were most of the other girls. Brita was a beautiful girl, and how Brandy got to stay before her I'll never know. They told Brita she wasn't photogenic, which is crap. I've seen Brita's portfolio and the girl is amazing. Her body is rock solid muscle. Her clothes, makeup and pose in her photograph should all be blamed on the crew. They knew they were setting her up for failure. That girl is VERY photogenic, and to compare to someone as mediocre and bitchy as Brandy is just wrong.

RNO:Who is your pick to win the competition now that you have been eliminated?

Sarah: You know, I have no clue. The judges confuse me all the time with what they are looking for. Brita going home first and me leaving second proves that. I have no clue who will be eliminated next.

RNO: Do you feel that you were edited fairly, or was there another side of Sarah that the viewer didn't get to see?

Sarah: America didn't even really get to know me! I feel like I was only shown for like two seconds. I mean, I can't say that I was edited poorly, but it wasn't accurate either. There is only so much you can show or portray on TV, and I just feel like enough of me wasn't shown.

RNO: What are your plans now? Do you want to continue on the modeling path or are your ready to pursue something new?

Sarah: Well, like I said, I do plan on using the show as a stepping stone. A few people have asked me about acting, and I love being in front of the camera, so I guess we'll see where it all leads to!

RNO:Thanks again, Sarah!

Her runway walk didn’t impress Miss J (or anybody else); but Sarah, a waitress from Baltimore and the second girl eliminated from the fourth cycle of AMERICA’S NEXT TOP MODEL, didn’t let a walking style prevent her from making one more step towards her goal as a model.

You were chosen among thousands of girls to appear on the show. What do you think the judges saw in you?

I think it was a combination of strong facial features and an outgoing, fun personality. They saw that I was somebody who was easy to work with and really interested in pursuing the industry.

You had some problems with your runway walk, and the girls tried to help you improve it. Do you think their motives were sincere?

Honestly, I really think they were sincere. What people in America don’t see at home is that we all get really close on the show and care about each other. I mean, we talk all day and night and get to know each other. We care about one another, and I don’t believe that in this season there are any backstabbers. Everybody is really genuine.

At the shoot, you didn’t want to give out tips to help the other girls. Was this because you didn’t want to give them a competitive edge, or is it just because you plain didn’t like them?

It had more to do with everybody having to go into the shoot without knowing what to expect. I mean, I had no idea what to expect before I took my pictures. Because this is a competition, it’s only fair that each girl experience the same thing. This is different than somebody helping me with my walk.

During the judging, Rebecca collapsed. Did you know about her condition beforehand? Do you think this will hinder her later on in the competition?

Some of the girls and I definitely knew about her condition and we had discussed it earlier. As I said, we were a close group and talked all day and night for weeks. It’s actually a good thing we knew because when the paramedics arrived, we could share the information with them. I don’t think her condition will hinder her at all.

Tyra said, “We feel you melting. We see such a strong face. We wonder if this girl can see her loveliness, if she believes in it…” What would you tell her?

I honestly think it was very presumptuous of her to say that. When I heard it, I thought it was ridiculous, and so did the other girls. I do believe in myself. I mean, I moved 200 miles away to pursue this career because I believed in myself. It’s interesting; I always thought Tyra was a model, not a psychiatrist.

In your closing statement, you said you had more natural talent than the other girls but felt once again you weren’t good enough. Have you changed your opinion about yourself since the show?

It was actually shocking to hear Tyra say that, and it hurt my feelings. I do believe I have more natural talent than some of the others. With the girls, like Michelle and Brittany, I felt that the show was trying to pull talent out of them. As for me saying that I didn’t feel good enough…A lot of things I said were taken out of context. I actually do believe in myself.

What’s next for you? Are you still going to pursue modeling?

Absolutely. I see this show as the biggest stepping stone for my career. I’m living in this area and starting to make connections.

Miss J tried to help you on your runway walk. What would you tell him about his walk?

Miss J has a fabulous walk and is the best teacher out there. He was the only one to actually sit down and talk with us on a conversational level for almost 4 hours because he really wanted to help us. He was just very personal that way.

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