Topmodell leszek /America's next top model/ with Tyra Banks

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Final Party

Finale Party Montage, Part I - 3:28
Watch your favorite Top Models, past and present, as they walk the red carpet to the finale party of ANTM Cycle 3.

Finale Party Montage, Part II - 4:56
Get the scoop on ANTM from the models and judges as they walk the red carpet to the finale party.

Fashion is Change - 1:48
Eva discusses keeping the secret of her win, her preconceived notions about modeling and how her family reacted to seeing her on the show each week.

Knowing Yourself - 2:58
Leah & Magdalena talk about what their experience on the show taught them about modeling, and discuss what they?re up to and what they hope for the future.

Pull a Little Zoolander - 1:29
Julie discusses her experience on the show, and how her mom reacted when she was eliminated.

I Gave My All - 1:47
Kelle gives a shout out to her fans, and lets us know what she?s been up to since the competition ended.

Biggest Fans Ever - 1:57
Kristi and Jennipher update us on what they?ve been doing lately, and give lots of love to their family and fans for supporting them.

A Hard Shell - 1:05
Cassie offers a few words of wisdom for future ANTM participants and talks about what her future might hold.

Time For Vacation - 1:23
Finally, we get the scoop on label-free Nicole?s ?former punk rocker? status.

Here I Am - 1:42
Norelle talks about the multitude of elements that go into modeling, and mulls over the opportunities that may come her way.

Can We Get a Chili Dog? - 2:34
Amanda discusses the experience of watching the show with her family, and relates a story about one of Ann?s lesser known habits.

Crash Course - :52
Yaya reflects on what she learned from being on the show, and thanks those who?ve supported her in her journey.

Yoanna, Mercedes and Catie - 3:01
Get the latest dish on what three of Cycle 2?s ANTM participants, Yoanna, Mercedes and Catie, have been up to.

Making Sacrifices - 1:51
Ann discusses her plans to give up water polo and move to New York to pursue a modeling carreer.

Way to Represent - 1:26
Toccara talks about the offers she?s gotten since her time on the show ended, and revels in the fact that she represents women with curves

Chapter 1

Cassie?s Confessional - 1:20
Cassie tells us about the difficulties she?s faced in attending college on her own terms. She is determined to make it.

The Sweet Rose - 1:43
Amanda is concerned that her emotions will hold her back in becoming America?s Next Top Model, but her desire is strong.

Nicole Won?t Pretend - 1:50
Although worried that she is falling to the side when it comes to making her mark, Nicole won?t pretend to be something she?s not to get ahead.

Chapter 2

Love Your Neighbor - 1:52
Kristi works off some nervous energy by telling us how it went when the panel asked her an interesting question.

What About Your Braces? - 1:16
Norelle is at her breaking point when it comes to the other models asking about her mouth jewelry.

Magdalena Represents - :49
At panel, Magdalena tells the judges how much she values her Puerto Rican and Dominican background.

Chapter 3

Yaya at Panel - 1:33
Using her Ivy League intelligence, Yaya explains how external beauty is only enhanced by beauty of the spirit.

The Last Supper - :32
As the girls get together for a meal, Amanda and Leah reveal their fears about the coming elimination.

Norelle is Nervous - 1:27
Norelle yearns to be well rounded when faced with the differing levels of experience of the other girls. She also shows off one of her more remarkable assets to the panel.

Chapter 4

Dinner Conversation - 1:38
Ann and Mary have a little tiff when Ann asks Mary what she considers to be an insulting question.

Sizing Up the Competition - :31
Mary and Josie both get nervous when they get a glimpse of the rest of the competitors.

Relay Race - 2:09
On an afternoon at the beach, the girls organize a relay race in the sand to achieve bragging rights.

Chapter 5

Dance Off - 2:45
Lines in the sand are drawn between two sets of girls involved in a beach dance off.

?Don?t Hate? - 1:34
The girls relax on the sand and dish the dirt about their fellow competitors.

Tyra, Watch Out - 1:12
Before the show begins, Ann shares her excitement over making the first cut by videotaping herself at home.

Chapter 6

Ted E. Bear - 1:58
With the help of her brother, Ann reveals some of her insecurities, and how her teddy bear friend always helps to ease her mind.

The Game is Afoot - 2:34
Some of the early competitors pass the time by playing the name game.

Chapter 1

Yay Modeling! - :56
Leah & Julie realize after their shoot that there?s much more to modeling than standing around, smiling and looking pretty.

She?s Gonna Take My Cake - :50
Julie and Jennipher get some face time in front of the mirror to practice their modeling expressions.

Not a Cinderella Story - :43
After Magdalena?s elimination, Toccara, Leah and Kristi mull over the intense level of competition they have to prepare for.

Chapter 2

Ann & Leah Confess - 1:19
Before the second elimination, Ann and Leah both reveal their anxieties over their performance in the photo shoot.

Pink Positive - 1:54
While in the confessional, Kristi and Norelle tell us they only want to work hard and love each other, even though Norelle has already had a confrontation with another one of the models.

Chapter 3

The Trouble with Make Up - :41
During the photo shoot in Jamaica, the girls get their first tastes of professional styling, which isn?t always pleasant.

New York City, Baby - :24
Tocarra enjoys the sights and sounds of New York City from the window of the limousine.

African Royalty - :59
Yaya reflects on her very first photo shoot in Jamaica.

Chapter 4

Serve It Up - :40
Nicole and Julie chat about the wardrobe for the photo shoot, while Mr. Jay looks on to remind Nicole to keep her energy up when it?s her turn.

Fear of Flying - 1:33
Seasoned traveler Ann gives us some background on the origins of her flight phobia.

Performance Anxiety - :50
Looking back on the shoot, the girls continue to analyze how well (or poorly) they may have done.

Chapter 5

Runway Practice - 1:02
Still working hard to practice their technique, Julie and Jennipher do their thing on the runway in the Agency Room.

The Empty Bag O? Chips - 1:05
Nicole confesses that she?s having issues with Kelle?s attitude, and the fact that she doesn?t always clean up after herself.

Chapter 6

Who?s Next? - 1:06
Julie, Jennipher and Cassie dish over who they?d like to see go next.

Styling it Up - :50
Hairstylist Danilo starts to work his magic on Kelle before the Jamaica shoot.

Chapter 7

Toccara?s Tidbits - 1:00
Toccara gives her take on Nicole?s unique rock & roll look, and how she?s trying not to nitpick about the rest of the models.

Who?s Next, Part II - 1:19
Toccara, Jennipher and Yaya discuss who might be next to go. Toccara and Jennipher have heard a few rumors, but Yaya has another idea.

Chapter 8

Extra Dramatic - :52
Jennipher, Toccara and Yaya discuss the friendship between Eva and Ann.

The Kitchen Conflict - 1:32
Julie is all over Kelle for her cleaning habits, while Toccara is the voice of reason.

Immaturity? - :57
Amanda gives her take on how the other girls may not have the level of appreciation she has for her experience on ANTM.

Chapter 9

Stake Your Claim - :27
Julie reads Tyra Mail to everyone as they arrive at the loft for the first time.

Rude Awakening - 2:11
Bright and early one morning, a personal trainer invades the loft unannounced. Watch as he weighs and measures the girls, some of whom are happy with their results, while others, not so much.

Chapter 10

Big?s Not Always Bad - 2:41
We hear from the rest of the girls as they expound to Tyra about their imperfections, ranging from thunder thighs to jutting ribs to big booties.

Chapter 11

Soaking It In - 2:32
In the confessional, Toccara gives props to Tyra for being such a mentor to herself and the other girls. She also explains how she is using her time in the loft to get serious about becoming America?s Next Top Model.

Chapter 1

Taskmistress Norelle - 1:54
After winning the weekly competition, Norelle has to dole out various unpleasant tasks for each of the girls to complete during the party.

Spoiled? - :36
In a phone conversation with her father, Kelle confesses how hurtful some of the girls have been about her character.

Cemetery Dead - 1:50
During panel, Kristi listens to the judges? comments on her "cemetery dead" photograph, and gets some advice from Janice on how to improve.

Chapter 2

The Socks are Comfortable - :47
Amanda prepares to serve it up at the party in her new tuxedo, and but later reveals her insecurities to Yaya.

Ow! - :56
As Yaya does a little waxing action, she gives Toccara her honest opinion of her.

Security Blanket - 1:11
Jennipher reacts to losing the security of her long hair.

Chapter 3

Keep on Truckin' - :40
Kristi comments on her performance during the beauty photo shoot.

Yo, Elf! - :17
Norelle shows off her elfin ears to the judges' panel.

Don't Lose Your Neck - 2:02
Jay gives some advice to Jennipher on how to pose for her beauty shot. Following the shoot, Jennipher explains how for the first time, she felt comfortable with her new look.

Chapter 4

Old Trick - :26
Janice gives Eva an old trick on how to know your face is completely made up.

Ice Goddess? - 1:49
The panel gives Amanda some detailed criticism on her unsuccessful attempt at day/night make-up.

Kelle Gives a Thumbs Down - :26
Following the transformations, Kelle tells Amanda that her new hairstyle isn?t working out as well as Tyra thought it would.

Chapter 5

A New Door - 1:00
Danilo expounds on Toccara?s great relationship with the camera, and believes that she will have a future in the industry.

Adjustments - 1:38
Julie?s still going through withdrawal after losing so much length in her hair, and Nicole describes the many haircuts she went through to get to her current style.

Beautiful, Beautiful - :32
During her photo shoot, Toccara serves it up, impressing both Jay and the photographer.

Chapter 6

Make up Lessons - 2:16
Jay gives the girls tips on how to get a natural look using different products and techniques.

Laying it on the Table - 2:49
Over dinner, Kelle is honest with the group over the disparity in how she perceives herself and how others perceive her.

Chapter 7

A Good Day - :58
Kelle is gaining confidence after her makeover, and feels more able to stay true to who she is.

I Am Bubbly - 1:08
In the confessional, Kristi discusses her difficulties in expressing herself both in life and in front of the camera.

Anticipation - :43
Julie, Eva, Nicole and Kelle talk about what kinds of transformations might be headed their way.

Chapter 8

Playing the Game - :44
Kelle voices her frustration to Amanda over being talked about behind her back.

Clean and Fresh - 1:36
Jay questions the girls on why clean and natural make-up is so important in the modeling industry.

Galrik 4
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Induls: 2005-02-13

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