Topmodell leszek /America's next top model/ with Tyra Banks

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/:/Interjk a kieskkel/:/

/:/Interjk a kieskkel/:/ : Tatinval!


  2005.04.30. 06:31


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MF: Was doing this show what you expected?

TATIANA: No, it wasnt what I expected - I was planning it to be a lot different.

MF: What were your favorite shoots? The worst?

TATIANA: Favorite shoot was the Signs of the Zodiac because I got to portray my own sign - Gemini.
Least Favorite: probably the alien shoot, because it wasnt my strongest.

MF: Tyra seems like a genuinely good person. What is your opinion of her?

TATIANA: My opinion is that she is a VERY good person and very genuine. She seemed to be motherly during our one-on-one discussions.

MF: You said on the show that you felt alienated by the other girls. Who did you click with? Was there anyone you didn’t?

TATIANA: I clicked with Noelle and Sarah, but didn't click so well with Brandy, and I didn’t have much in common with the other girls as well which is why I felt a little alienated. We all live different lifestyles and I really prefer one on one relationships rather than big groups.

MF: What was the toughest task you had to do? Which one was the most fun?

TATIANA: The toughest task was getting along and living with the other girls. The most fun was the preparation for the photo shoots and the shoots themselves. I also liked the interviewing challenge. It was great getting to meet Eve.

MF: Any cool tricks of the trade you learned?

TATIANA: Just to be confident and strong and to take care of your body because its your biggest investment .

MF: What advice would you give someone wanting to be a model?

TATIANA: Same answer as be confident and strong in whatever you do.

MF: How horrible was it living in a house full of girls & having to share bathrooms? How many bathrooms did you guys have? Did any fights occur over time in the bathroom?

TATIANA: The bathroom part wasn’t too bad but living in the house was a bit hard. Hard to find the privacy that I enjoy.

MF: What do you think you could have done differently to win?

TATIANA: I probably could have been more outgoing and not so shy among the girls

MF: Out of the girls left, who do you think has the most potential? Who are you rooting for?

TATIANA: I think that Naima has the most potential as the next Top Model, but I would want to see Kahlen to win.

MF: What did you guys do on your downtime?

TATIANA: I like to read books.

MF: Who was the hardest to live with?

TATIANA: Brandy! - our personalities didn't click well.

MF: Besides Tyra, what models do you admire?

TATIANA: Models in general...I admire all of them.

MF: Are you still trying to be a model? What is next for you?

TATIANA: Yes! I am still trying to pursue modeing - my next plan is to move to the East Coast to pursue the career further.

MF: Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions. I am sure this won’t be the last time we see you. I wish you lots of luck in your career.

Age: 18
Height: 5’10”
Hometown: Maui, HI
Occupation: Waitress

Tatiana was one of the youngest in the competition but gained in just a short time a wealth of experience and know-how in the modeling world.

What’s it like for you to be suddenly thrust from the boonies in Hawaii into the spotlight of Hollywood?

It’s stressful and exciting at the same time, but I can handle it. People, the city—everything is just so fast here.

What did you enjoy most about being on the show?

Being on the shoots and in that type of atmosphere. My favorite shoot was the signs one. I got to be my own sign, which is Gemini, so that was cool.

You often clashed with some of the girls on the show. For example, Brandy lashed out at you during the tennis shoot and Keenya accused you of being a mooch. You yourself said you didn’t feel like part of the group. Why do think that was?

It was hard to connect with some of the girls because I have a different lifestyle than them. They live in a city; I live on an island, which isn’t like a city at all. I think I’m more laid back and used to different things. I think we just didn’t have anything in common to really get along about.

Who did you feel closest too?

Probably Noelle and Sarah.

So it was kind of hard when they left, huh?

Yeah, it was hard. I just stayed in my room a lot. But, it was actually nice because I read a book that I really enjoyed.

What were you reading?

The DaVinci Code and a book my mom wrote.

I must admit that poor Michelle’s face did look ghastly with those open sores on her face. I too have been afflicted with that bacteria infection, which by the way can be caused by makeup. In hindsight, do you think in attributing it to flesh-eating bacteria you overacted to the situation?

Yes, I do think I overreacted. I didn’t know all the information, so I’ll admit to that. *lol*

What were you thinking when Tyra yelled at Tiffany after she was eliminated?

I was actually thinking how grateful I was to still be there. *lol* I was kind of blanking out while she was yelling at Tiffany. It was sort of scary.

When it was down to just you and Michelle, who did you think would leave?

I’m not a conceited person but I thought Michelle would go. Overall, I thought my pictures were better and that they’d like my look better. Michelle was really determined to be there, though, and I think that showed through. Don’t get me wrong, I was happy to be there, but I don’t think I or anybody else wanted it as badly as she did.

Out of the remaining girls, who do you want to win?

I really hope Kahlen will win because she’s very sweet.

I heard somewhere that some of the models had a crush on Nigel. Is that true?

We all think he is handsome.

What is the best piece of advice you received during your experience?

It’s weird because the best piece of advice was actually not said but was learned, and that was how to take criticism and then not bash yourself with it.

What’s next for you? Will you return to Hawaii or pursue modeling else where?

I plan to pursue modeling to the fullest. I’m probably going to go elsewhere because Hawaii doesn’t have that many opportunities and means for modeling. Probably the east coast. I definitely don’t want to do spokesmodeling. I don’t think I would be good at that. *lol* Just fashion and runway and stuff like that.

In your last challenge you had to test out your interviewing skills. If you could interview any of the judges and ask just one question, who would the person be and what would you ask?

Hmmm, I have to think about that one…I would probably ask Janice a question. I would ask her if she’s happy. *lol* I’m just curious. I know all about her background and lifestyle, and I just wondered if she’s happy, if it was worth it.

Galrik 4
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Induls: 2005-02-13

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