Topmodell leszek /America's next top model/ with Tyra Banks

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/:/Interjk a kieskkel/:/

/:/Interjk a kieskkel/:/ : Interjk Christinval!

Interjk Christinval!

  2005.05.24. 13:22


This week we said goodbye to Christina, a tall, cold glass of orange juice from the Sunshine State. Despite being told by Tyra herself that she has no problems taking gorgeous photos, Christina was eliminated for displaying a “cold” personality. I had the opportunity to speak with Christina about her experience on the show, and found her to be quite warm and personable. Read below to find out what it was like to judge and be judged, and whether she really would look better with big lips.

Thank you so much for taking the time to talk with me today, and congratulations on making it to the top five in the competition.

Thank you so much!

Well, we saw some Top Model firsts last night. What was it like to judge the other girls, and hear what they thought of your photoshoot?

It was hard because the last five of us girls remaining were pretty close, and to have to judge a friend and have them not take it personally was definitely tough. To be put in that situation was tough on us, but we understood that it was a competition and we had to do it, and be honest and real about each other.

It definitely was hard to hear the other girls talk about me, but I knew they were in the same situation I was. I know how it felt for me to have to discuss each girl. Honestly, I respect each and everyone of them for their opinions.

I, for one, thought your waterfall photo was lovely. You had some interesting poses on your back, too. Do you think they chose your best shot?

Thank you, thank you. Um, I don’t know! I can’t see the pictures as they are being taken, all I can do is pose and hope great pictures come out of it. I felt pretty confident at the photoshoot, but there were technical issues with me at times during the shoot, like the lighting and the camera guy; and it took a lot for me to get into the active posing, getting into the setting and all. But I felt like once I did I captured I the serene peaceful nature of the setting.

Tyra herself said you didn’t have a problem taking wonderful pictures.


What did you think of the judges’ criticism that you are too “cold”?

(Laughs) That’s what I’m hearing. It’s hard for the judges to get to know you, outside of Tyra, because Tyra did spend more time with us. But for the judges from week to week in panel, that was our time to shine for them and I feel like me holding back and being more reserved, whether it was nerves, or professionalism...well, I was always taught to be professional and be classy and carry yourself well in front of important people. I felt those people were very important to me - they are at the height of the industry which I’m trying to break into -so I’m sitting there being professional, basically not being a goofball, which I can be. My girlfriends see the show and say, where is your personality that we see all the time? I guess I just let that get the best of me. Trying to be professional, and nerves, and holding back - it did hurt me.

Did you feel like you had an ally in any one of the judges?

In my one-on-ones with Tyra I felt she was confident in me, and she told me I have great potential and stuff, and I felt week-to-week I got good critiques from Nole and Nigel...I felt like all around I got good critiques but I also got bad critiques...but each girl did. I can’t pinpoint if certain judges were on my side or not.

You built up a quite a nice portfolio - I think my favorite shot of yours is the Zodiac picture. What was your favorite photoshoot?

I would have to say my favorite photoshoot was the Alien shoot. I was so nervous, but yet I liked the way my picture turned out. I was so nervous to be thrown on the set right there. I was like, Wow this is it, this is the beginning of it all. That to me was thrilling. But I also liked the gravesite picture because I had to go out of my element and portray this lustful image, and that’s just not me. I laugh whenever someone tells me to be sexy, it’s funny.

Earlier in the competition, you won the interviewing challenge. Were you happy with your prize?

I thought it was great. I haven’t seen the interview yet - all my friends have seen it, but I haven’t yet. Hopefully my family taped it for me. But actually I thought it was awesome because before I got into my degree in Fashion Marketing from Florida State, I wanted to be a journalist for Entertainment Tonight or Extra, so it was awesome to have a few seconds of a taste of what that would have been like if I wanted to pursue that career versus modeling.

Well, it seems you have talent in that area.

Thank you very much.

Who were you closest to in the house?

That’s a hard one because honestly we [the last five girls] were all so close, obviously because we spent more time together. I connected with all the girls. Maybe Brittany and Kahlen? I didn’t really pinpoint one person that I was the closest to in the house.

You have many devoted fans on the Internet. Do you keep up with your online fans?

I actually looked at it once, and of course people are going to have their opinions, and whether it’s good or bad, and you’re going to have bad with good. I have been on (laughs) and I’ve looked at what people have said once or twice, and I just thought, you know what? Let people have their opinions and if people support me that’s great, if they don’t, that’s their opinion.

What are your plans for the future, will you pursue a career in modeling? What aspect of modeling appeals to you now?

Definitely. I actually will be in New York in June, and hopefully I will have a good agency and a prosperous career ahead of me. I love runway. I like high fashion, like the runway, high fashion prints like Prada. I want to do it all. As much as I’m allowed to do, that’s I want to do.

What did you learn from the experience?

The biggest thing I learned from the experience besides the modeling aspect of it, is just to be true to yourself, because if you lose sight of who you are, it can hurt you. It did with me, I lost sight of who I was when I went into panel as far as my personality.

Just be true to yourself, try your hardest, and I feel like things will happen for you. That’s what happened with the show, I didn’t think I’d be on America’s Next Top Model, and now I hope to gain so much from it, and I feel like I already have as well.

And there’s also that little lip trick Tyra showed you.

(Laughs) Yeah. For the record, I do not have fake lips. I saw on the site how someone put bigger lips on me to show that it’s not as pretty as Janice thinks it is. It was pretty funny to see someone else’s lips on my face.

I remember that picture too, and you do look better the way you are.

Yeah, I know! But definitely, I am taking Tyra’s trick and will be putting it to use. If there are other ways of going about it without having to get surgery done, then I will.

Thank you so much for speaking with me today, and I wish you the best in your career.

Thanks for taking time to speak with me, and take care.

How did you come to be o­n America’s Next Top Model? Christina: "I always wanted to be a model but didn’t know if I wanted to be in a reality show. Then I decided to go to the open call in Florida and continued o­n to the finals.”

Have you always wanted to be a model? Christina: “I have always wanted to be a model, even as a little kid. I participated in beauty pageants as a kid, later doing some work in Europe when I was around 18 years old.”
How do you think your ANTM experience will change your future? Christina: “I think as a person the show has changed me. The knowledge and growth I have experienced from the show was great. I received some great publicity and now have plans to move to New York in June.”

What advice would you give to aspiring models trying out for the next season of ANTM?
Christina: “During the tryouts just go in simple clothes, I work jeans and a tank top, just try to go natural because the judges are looking for a blank pallet. Just be yourself. When I was trying out, they told me that o­ne of the reasons I was chosen was because I was confident and had the current look they were going for. Most importantly stay focused and try hard. Soak in all the information you can learn.”
Is there anything you saw that your competition did well or something you learned not to do because of another example?
Christina: “I learned from the other girls, even when they were getting critiqued you would look to yourself with the same questions. Also the support and help from the other girls was important to grow and learn.”
Knowing what you know now, would you do it all again?
Christina: “Of course. I was able to learn so much and make friends.”
Sometimes it’s hard to become friends with the competitors, did you find that true? If so, which contestant did you clash with most and why?
Christina: “There were moments where living with so many girls became stressful but I was more in competition with myself than with the other girls. The majority of the cast got along pretty well. I became close to several girls such as Brittany, Naima, Keenyah, Sarah, Rebecca and Tiffany. All the girls were great.”
What was your favorite part of the show?
Christina: “I loved the photo shoots, and getting to know the girls. Also being able to work with Tyra was a great experience.”
What was the worst part of the show? Christina: “I was frustrated caring the mike packs, always having the cameras around and in the way and early mornings.”
Do you normally watch Reality shows?
Christina: “Yes, I like The Inferno, Road Rules, Apprentice and Survivor."

What are your future plans? Christina: "Well I am planning o­n moving to New York in June and looking to find representation. I understand Michelle is also moving to New York so I will have someone to contact. I would like to do runway and high fashion print like Louis Vuitton and Gucci. I hope the publicity from the show will allow opportunities for me."

Age: 24
Height: 5’10”
Hometown: Tallahassee, FL
Occupation: Fashion Marketing Student

Christina learned the hard way that it’s the persona you show in front of the judges that can ultimately make or break you in terms of the show.

What has it been like to watch yourself go through a modeling competition on television?

It’s kind of weird. It’s so surreal for me to watch myself on TV with all my friends. I don’t know, I just never thought I would see myself on TV. But, it’s been awesome.

It’s ironic that although you were the girl who comforted Kahlen after the news of her friend’s death, you were told by the judges you seemed to be the most cold. Why do you think you changed your persona in front of the judges? Were you just nervous?

I guess that’s a question I still ask myself. I don’t know if it was just nerves or that I felt that I had to be professional in front of the judges because they’re such important people in the industry. I’ve always been taught to carry myself well in front of those kinds of people. Maybe it was partially nerves. But, it was sad to me that I was unable to portray my more sensitive warm side and just my personality in general because the judges only see us from week to week at the panel. It’s not like they can spend every day with us like the girls do. I definitely feel that holding back hurt me obviously.

You had an amazing opportunity to travel to South Africa. What was your most memorable moment while you were there?

That’s a good one. I guess just getting to see South Africa and all the beauty there. I got to take in their culture, which is completely different than I ever experienced before.

What was it like to judge the other girls’ pictures and then their modeling potential? Was it harder to make comments about them or harder to hear them critique you?

It was obviously hard for me to hear their critiques but they had to do the same thing that I did. It was hard for all of us. It was a very emotional time and uncomfortable situation. But, it’s part of a competition and as long as everybody gave real and honest opinions, you can only respect that.

Brittany had said that you are all friends. Do you think that’s really true?

I do believe we were all friends and are still friends. I mean, of course, every girl is in the competition for herself, but we just had such great girls in the bottom five. I feel that any of them who end up winning, I’m going to be happy for her. Yeah, so I do think that in most aspects we were friends, but, obviously, there’s going to be some moments.

What’s next for you in terms of your career goals?

I’m going to pursue modeling. I feel like I have some amazing opportunities still at my hands. I mean, I’m in the public eye and have people in the industry watching. I feel like it would be stupid of me and a waste of my dreams if I didn’t continue in it. I’m going to move to New York in June and hopefully get a good agency and start a career.

It seemed that in almost every episode, the judges criticized the size of your lips, even recommending that you stuff paper between your teeth and upper lip. If the tables were turned, and you could critique one of the judges on his/her physical attributes, who would you choose and what would you say?

That’s a good one. I would give a good critique of Tyra just for being real and sincere. I feel that’s a good asset she has and that I have.

Galrik 4
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Induls: 2005-02-13

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